Toddlers and their adults can enjoy simple stories, action songs, rhymes and other interactive fun that lays the foundation for later learning to read. Ages 2-3.
Location: Rockwood Terrace, Lombardi Ave., Green Bay
Stories, fingerplays, songs and movement activities for children of all ages with a parent or caregiver.
Ages 0-2. Adults will have fun interacting with their little ones as we share songs, fingerplays, simple stories, rhymes and baby games. Practicing these multi-sensory activities helps build the foundation for later reading skills.
Career Navigators with Worker Connection Services will be on-site to help you plan for your career, find a job that is right for you, apply for jobs, create resumes and cover letters, discuss interviewing skills, and refer you to available resourc
You and your team have been invited to join an archeology expedition in Egypt. As you're exploring, a stone wall caves in and you're trapped!
Career Navigators with Worker Connection Services will be on-site to help you plan for your career, find a job that is right for you, apply for jobs, create resumes and cover letters, discuss interviewing skills, and refer you to available resourc
You and your team have been invited to join an archeology expedition in Egypt. As you're exploring, a stone wall caves in and you're trapped!
Explore the art of origami and show off your paper folding skills with these fun and interactive crafts. Learn how to make an origami spaceship and other space-related objects through this Creative Bug-led program. All supplies provided.
You and your team have been invited to join an archeology expedition in Egypt. As you're exploring, a stone wall caves in and you're trapped!
Stories, fingerplays, songs and movement activities for children of all ages with a parent or caregiver.
Evening edition of our family storytime offered the third Monday evening each month.
You and your team have been invited to join an archeology expedition in Egypt. As you're exploring, a stone wall caves in and you're trapped!
You and your team have been invited to join an archeology expedition in Egypt. As you're exploring, a stone wall caves in and you're trapped!