Career Navigators with the Worker Connection program will be on-site to help you find a job that is right for you, plan for your career, apply for jobs, create resumes and cover letters, discuss interviewing skills, and refer you to available reso
Friends of the Library's BIG Book Sale
Ages 0-2. Adults will have fun interacting with their little ones as we share songs, fingerplays, simple stories, rhymes and baby games. Practicing these multi-sensory activities helps build the foundation for later reading skills.
Toddlers and their adults can enjoy simple stories, action songs, rhymes and other interactive fun that lays the foundation for later learning to read. Ages 2-3.
Día de los Niños / Día de los Libros Storytime with La Escuelita
Celebrate Día de los Niños Día de los Libros / Children's Day Book Day with our friends from La Escuelita who will lead storytime in Spanish and English. Stay for an art project and free play.
Stories, fingerplays, songs and movement activities for children of all ages with a parent or caregiver.
Stories, songs, rhymes and movement activities will help build a foundation for early literacy through print, letter recognition, word awareness and creativity. Children will be ready for future success in school with storytime fun! Ages 3-5.
Toddlers and their adults can enjoy simple stories, action songs, rhymes and other interactive fun that lays the foundation for later learning to read. Ages 2-3.
Career Navigators with the Worker Connection program will be on-site to help you find a job that is right for you, plan for your career, apply for jobs, create resumes and cover letters, discuss interviewing skills, and refer you to available reso
Need help but don't know where to start? Each week, a different community resource/social service agency will be on-site to provide information about their programs and services. Stop in each week to get connected and find the support
Join us after school! Trained student volunteers will meet with children (K-3) on a one-on-one basis and listen to them read or read to them for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Stories, fingerplays, songs and movement activities for children of all ages with a parent or caregiver.
Learn about Lake Sturgeon, the oldest fish native to the Great Lakes. Patrick Forsythe, Professor of Biology and Environmental Science at UW - Green Bay will introduce us to this fascinating fish that spawns right here in De Pere.