Toddlers and their adults can enjoy simple stories, action songs, rhymes and other interactive fun that lays the foundation for later learning to read. Ages 2-3.
Career Navigators with the Worker Connection program will be on-site to help you find a job that is right for you, plan for your career, apply for jobs, create resumes and cover letters, discuss interviewing skills, and refer you to available resources. The Worker Connection program is provided through the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.
Stories, fingerplays, songs and movement activities for children of all ages with a parent or caregiver.
Stories, fingerplays, songs and movement activities for children of all ages with a parent or caregiver.
Location: Veterans Memorial Park shelter, Wisconsin Ave., Denmark.
Make a friend or neighbor's day brighter by showing you care. Cindy Lee of De Pere Parks & Rec and Public Health Nurse Sara Lornson present stories, activities, and a project on this feel-good theme.
Career Navigators with the Worker Connection program will be on-site to help you find a job that is right for you, plan for your career, apply for jobs, create resumes and cover letters, discuss interviewing skills, and refer you to available resources. The Worker Connection program is provided through the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development.