The Wonder of Wisconsin's Sandhill Cranes

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Join Charlie Frisk for a engaging talk on the amazing recovery of the sandhill crane population in Wisconsin, from a century ago when Aldo Leopold thought there were less than 50 cranes in the entire state, to a population of over 100,000 today. Learn about the fascinating communication among sandhill cranes such as the unison dance and their many haunting calls, and the different types of sandhill cranes and how they differ in size, behavior and range.

Charlie Frisk retired from teaching biology and environmental science at Luxemburg-Casco in 2014 but still takes advantage of opportunities to share knowledge and experiences by giving talks and leading field trips. Although Charlie will not claim to be a birding expert, sandhill cranes are one of his favorite birds and he has spent a lifetime learning about them. Charlie also stays busy as also the president of the Baird Creek Preservation Foundation and vice president of the Clean Water Action Council.